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Working with Images in cPanel: An In-Depth Guide

cPanel Image allows users to manage and modify images directly through its interface, requiring images to be uploaded to their account. It also offers image resizing and image converters, allowing users to convert images from one supported type to another.

a) How to create small images using the cPanel images thumbnail converter


1. Log into cPanel and select Files on the right corner of the dashboard, then click the “Images” button.

2. Then, click the Thumbnailer button and select the desired directory to create a thumbnail. Use the left-hand folder icons to navigate within the directory.

3. After that, select the folder from which you want to create thumbnails by clicking on the folder name shown in the middle. Note: Thumbnailer is a batch thumbnail creation tool; these tools cannot work with individual images.

4. Next, enter the percentage you wish to reduce the image in the field and select Keep Aspect Ratio to maintain the original proportions of the image.

5. Finally, click the Thumbnail Images button to create a thumbnail and the system will automatically create a subfolder in which all files in the folder will be converted and saved with the prefix tn_.

b) How to scale images in the cPanel Images Scaler

1. Log into cPanel and select Files on the right corner of the dashboard, then click the “Images” button.

2. Then, click the Scaler button and select the desired directory to create a thumbnail. Use the left-hand folder icons to navigate within the directory.

3. After that, select the file you want to resize by clicking on the file name. Note: Image Scaler is a single image tool and can be used on a single image at a time.

4. Next, enter the new dimensions in pixels or the percentage by which you want to increase or decrease the image. You can select “Keep Aspect Ratio” so that the image proportions are not disturbed and you can also keep an old copy of the file because “Image Scalar” replaces the old image with the new one.

5. Finally, click the “Scale Image” button and the image is successfully scaled.

c) How to convert an image to another image format using the cPanel Images Converter

1. Log into cPanel and select Files on the right corner of the dashboard, then click the “Images” button.

2. Then, click the Converter button and select the desired directory to create a thumbnail. Use the left-hand folder icons to navigate within the directory.

3. After that, select the file or folder you want to resize by clicking on its name. Note: Image Converter works on individual files or folders.

4. Next, select the new file type from the prompt as shown below, which can be Portable Network Graphics (.PNG), JPEG (.JPG), GIF (.GIF), or Bitmap (.BMP).

5. Finally, click the “Convert” button to convert the file type.

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