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User-Friendly XMPP Setup: A Guide to Pandion Configuration in Smarter Mail

Smarter Mail now offers built-in chat functionality, allowing all domain users to maintain internal communications using any chat client that supports this protocol.

a) How do I set up Pandion for XMPP ?

1. First, open Pandion.

2. Then, click “Register” to create a new instant messaging address.

3. After that, enter your display name and click Next.

4. Next, enter your domain in the Server Information field.

5. Then, enter your Smarter Mail username and password.

6. After that, click on Connection Settings.

7. Next, input the IP address or record the recorded domain name to access the Smarter Mail server.

8. Then, enter the unique device name in the Resource field, like “work laptop”, to differentiate between devices and ensure a secure connection to your account using the XMPP protocol.

9. Next, select the Use TLS encryption (if available) checkbox.

10. Finally, click OK.

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