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Thumbnail Column Addition: A Comprehensive Guide for SharePoint Libraries

SharePoint thumbnail previews significantly enhance productivity by allowing users to preview documents without actually opening them.

a) How do I add the SharePoint Online document library thumbnail column ?

1. First, open the library, click the +Add column, and select the Picture column type.


2. Then, ensure to input the name in the thumbnail form and provide it correctly to ensure functionality.

3. Finally, click Save, and the thumbnail bar will appear.

b) How do I add Add a thumbnail column to the SharePoint document library ?

1. First, display the thumbnails in the document library.

2. Then, click the Create Column link.

3. After that, provide the column name and select the type of calculation based on other columns.

4. Next, select the Title column and choose the data type from the formula, which is a single line of text in the column settings.

5. Finally, click OK, and the thumbnail will appear.

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