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Sucuri Cache Cleanup: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Sucuri CDN enhances website speed by an average of 60% by automatically caching content on your website.

a) How do I clear the dashboard cache ?

1. Go to Performance and click Clear Cache from Clear Cache—Global to clear all page and file caches at once.


2. Go to Performance, from Clear Cache—Per File, enter the file URL you want to clear, and click Clear Cache to clear the cache for an individual page or file.

b) How do I clear an API cache ?

1. First, log into the Website Firewall dashboard and go to the API, then click on API Details, and then click on the Clear Cache (Website Firewall API v1) button.

2. Clear cache using the website firewall API, each site having a unique key. If domain inventory requires multiple APIs, inform an account representative for list retrieval.

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