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A guide to Smarter Stats: scheduled email reports that are not sent regularly

Email reports in Smarter Stats may not be sent until the user logs into the web interface. This issue can be resolved by setting up a background task for daily, weekly, or monthly reports, which will only be processed when there is activity on the site and IIS restarts, which can be done by navigating to the login page.

a) How do I schedule email reports not to be sent at regular intervals in Smarter Stats ?

1. First, download and install Smarter Ping to force IIS to keep the site active.

2. Then, click Start to select All Programs, click Smart Tools to select Smart Ping, and then click Smart Ping to run it.

3. After that, set it to start automatically, set the interval at 10 minutes, and add your Smarter Stats URL to the list.

4. Finally, save the configuration changes.

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