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Strategic Mail Management: Copying Sent and Received Email in Smarter Mail

The events system allows system administrators to blind copy messages from a specific user to another email account, aiding in archiving and monitoring purposes.

a) How do I copy received mail in Smarter Mail ?

1. First, log into Smarter Mail as an administrator.

2. Then, click the Settings icon.

3. After that, click on “Events” in the navigation pane.

4. Next, click the New button to start formatting your event.

5. Then, enter a name for the event in the Event Name field.

6. After that, make sure the event is enabled in the event status.

7. Next, select “Email” in the “Event Category” field.

8. Then, select Message Received in the Event Type field.

9. After that, click on “New Condition” on the “Conditionscard.

10. Next, select “To Addresses” and enter the user’s email address in the appropriate field.

11. Then, click Save.

12. After that, click on New Action on the Actions card.

13. Next, select Add recipients from the action list.

14. Then, select None in the Maximum Frequency field.

15. After that, type the email address to which the message should be forwarded in the Recipient field.

16. Next, click Save.

17. Finally, click Save again to save the activity.

b) How do I copy sent mail in Smarter Mail ?

1. First, log into Smarter Mail as an administrator.

2. Then, click on the Settings icon.

3. After that, click on Events.

4. Next, click New in the Content Pane toolbar.

5. Then, enter a name for the event in the Event Name field.

6. After that, make sure the event is enabled in the Event Status field.

7. Next, select “Email” in the “Event Category” field.

8. Then, select “Message Sent” in the “Event Type” field.

9. After that, click on “New Condition” on the “Conditionscard.

10. Next, select “From address” and enter the user’s email address in the corresponding field.

11. Then, click Save.

12. After that, click on New Action on the Actions card.

13. Next, select Add recipients from the action list.

14. Then, select None in the Maximum Frequency field.

15. After that, type the email address to which the message should be forwarded in the Recipient field.

16. Next, click Save.

17. Finally, click Save again to save the activity.

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