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SharePoint List Comment Administration: A Guide to Efficient Communication

Microsoft has introduced a new feature called Comments in SharePoint lists, allowing users to add comments to each item in a modern SharePoint Online list.

a) How do I add comments to modern SharePoint Online List Items ?

1. First, open a modern SharePoint list and access the comment icon or option by hovering over the list item or selecting it from the command bar.


2. You can also select an item and click the comment icon from the ECB menu.

3. Then, add comments and arrows to a SharePoint list item, or click Enter. Multiple comments can be added, but list items won’t have nested comments.

b) How do I view SharePoint Online List Item Comments ?

1. First, click on the comment icon and hover over it to display the number of comments for each list item.

2. Then, click on a list item to display all the comments related to that item.

c) How do I delete comments from SharePoint online list items ?

1. First, click on the comment icon and navigate to the comment panel. Hover over the desired comment and click the Delete icon.

2. Then, click the Delete icon, provide a confirmation message, and click the “Delete” button.

Note: Multiple comments cannot be deleted simultaneously.

d) How do I add comments to Microsoft Lists items ?

1. Microsoft lists offer the same commenting functionality as SharePoint Online lists, with the comment options displayed when opening a Microsoft Lists list.

e) How do I add comments to classic SharePoint Online List items ?

1. First, open the list to which you want to add comment functionality and add a multiline text column.

2. Then, navigate to Append Column Settings and select Yes to apply changes to existing text.

3. Afterwards, click Save to create a new column, and when adding an item, you can view multiple rows and columns in View Entries.

4. Next, Click View Entries to view columns, see previous comments, and append new comments to existing comments in the SharePoint list item.

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