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SharePoint Calendar Management: A Guide to Efficient Creation and Use

Office 365 SharePoint Online Calendar allows users to create events, reminders, personal, and team calendars. Personal calendars are visible and accessible only to the user, while team calendars allow sharing event information and notifications. Calendars can display holidays, time off, delivery dates, and other team-related information.

a) How do I create a SharePoint calendar using the Calendar App ?

1. First, click on Gear Settings, and then click on Add App.


2. Then, locate or search for the application calendar in the calendar list from the search bar and click on the icon.

3. After that, click on Advanced Options to create a group calendar.

4. Next, select the appropriate name and description for the calendar and click Yes to select Use this calendar as share members’ schedule?  for the group SharePoint calendar.


  • This SharePoint calendar allows scheduling resources like meeting rooms and people, as well as resource reservations and creating events containing resources like conference rooms.
  • To enable the group worklist feature for a site, navigate to Site Settings > Manage Site Features if the “Use this calendar for resource reservations” option is not available.
  • The resource reservation feature is no longer available in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 SharePoint Online.

5. Finally, create a shared calendar that can be shared with team members, groups, or a single person.

b) How do I add a person or group to the SharePoint calendar ?

1. To add people or groups to a calendar, navigate to the Calendar tab in the ribbon, select the Day Group or Week Group, and click “Add person or group“.

2. Then, click the Find box, enter the resource name, click Add, and click OK to add resources and groups.

3. Finally, the group calendar has been created and the resource has been added.

Notes: The procedure creates temporary views, which only display the initial calendar when the browser is refreshed.

c) How do I add an event or item to a SharePoint calendar ?

1. First, click on a specific cell in the calendar list or select Events from the ribbon to click  new event.

2. After that, the event addition page allows you to add details like title, location, start/end time, category, and whether it’s an all-day or recurring event.

3. Then, click on the event, select the frequency, and set the limit to schedule a recurring event. Click “Save” to save the calendar.

4. Next, save and create the event at a specific date and time.

5. After that, click on the event you created, then select Events in the ribbon, then click Edit Event or View Event to edit or view an event.

6. Finally, clicking “Edit Event” will return to the project or event’s original page, and by clicking “View Events“, you can view its details.

d) How do I create a view for the SharePoint calendar ?

1. First, click Calendar in the ribbon, and then click List Settings in SharePoint Online.

2. Then, click on Create View from List Settings to view various views and default views.

3. After that, select Calendar View from the View type.

4. Next, create a view by name and select Audience, Time Interval, Calendar Columns, Default Range, Filters, and Mobile Settings for this view.

5. Finally, select the calendar column.

e) How do I create a calendar overlay in SharePoint ?

1. First, click on the Calendars Overlay.

2. Then, click New Calendar to create a view for the SharePoint calendar overlay, but the view has not yet been created, and up to 10 views can be created.

3. After that, create a view with a name, select a type with a description, and choose the appropriate color to color-code events in this view.

4. Next, click Find to automatically fill in web addresses, then click resolve. Check the list, and check “Always show” to display the results.

5. Finally, create an overlay SharePoint calendar by combining multiple calendars and views.

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