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Setting Up WordPress: Installation Guide for Beginners

WordPress is an open-source content management system built on PHP and MySQL, offering a user-friendly platform for building websites. It primarily focuses on the backend, serving as the foundation for the front-end of the website.

a) Basic WordPress installation guidelines


1. Download the latest version of WordPress from the WordPress website and unzip the file.

2. Create a WordPress database for your web server using PHPMyAdmin, and grant a MySQL user full access and modification permissions. For more information on creating database, you can visit the PHPMyAdmin page. For more information about database creation, you can visit the Creating database page. For more information about database imports, you can visit the Import database page.

3. Find wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-config.php; after that, edit the file and add the database information. Note: This step is optional, and you can skip it if you are not comfortable renaming files.

4. Then, upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server.

5. To integrate WordPress into your domain’s root, move or upload all unzipped WordPress directory contents, excluding the WordPress directory itself, to the root of your web server.

6. To install WordPress in a specific subdirectory on your website, create a blog directory on your server and unzip the WordPress package via FTP. Note: Disable the option in your FTP client to convert filenames to lowercase.

7. After completely installing WordPress, run it by entering the URL in your web browser. If you installed it in the root directory, you would enter and visit the URL (e.g. If you installed it in a subdirectory called site, you would enter and visit the URL (e.g. For more information about WordPress installation, you can visit the WordPress official site.


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