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Common Queries: Plesk FAQs, Part 13

a) Why don’t I see any updates for this package ?


The System Update Tool operates in “Safe Updatemode, limiting its consideration to updates from the same or compatible repository where the package was installed, and will not display any updates from a different repository.

b) Which mail servers support DKIM and SRS ?


Plesk mail servers support DKIM on Linux, Postfix supports SRS, and DKIM on Windows (except for MailEnable versions prior to 9.16), and SmarterMail and IceWarp support SRS.

c) On what operating systems is DNSSEC functionality available ?


DNSSEC is available on various operating systems, including Debian 8, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7, RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, CloudLinux 7, and Virtuozzo Linux 7.

d) Will domain owners be notified about key rotation ? Can Plesk administrators customize notification text ?


The DNSSEC extension will send notifications to the domain owner, but the text of the notification cannot be customized.

e) DNSSEC updates the Key Signing Key (KSK), necessitating registrar-side DS record updates. Is there a grace period for users to update their DS records post-key update ?


DNS zones have two KSKs with overlapping rolling periods, allowing domain owners to update DS records on the registrar side without issues as one key expires and the second remains active until the next rolling period.

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