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Module Update in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Keeping Current

Before updating modules utilizing third-party libraries, it’s crucial to review the module-specific update instructions. This is often necessary and can be found on the module’s project page by clicking the Read documentation link.

To access additional instructions, download the tar.gz or zip file from the project page and unzip it. Look for the README.txt, INSTALL.txt, and UPGRADE.txt files in the module installation file. View the release notes by clicking on the downloaded version number.

To update contributed modules, use the admin interface or Drush. If updating a custom module, check if FTP access is required for installation, or if the steps do not require obtaining new module files, follow the steps in Manual Download of Module or Theme Files in Drupal: Step-by-Step Guide. Follow the steps in the management interface instructions to proceed.

a) How do I update modules in Drupal using the admin interface ?

1. First, put your site into maintenance mode.

2. Then, navigate to Reports to select Available Updates and click Updates (admin/reports/updates/update) in the Manage administrative menu.

3. After that, find and check the module in the list, and click Download to download these updates for the module.

4. Next, click Continue.

5. Then, click on the Run Database Update button and navigate to the database update page by typing in your browser.

6. After that, click “Continue” and apply all updates to execute the database update script.

7. Next, click Administration Page to return to the administration section of the site.

8. Then, take your site out of maintenance mode.

9. Finally, clear the cache.

b) How do I update modules in Drupal using the Drush ?

1. First, find the project name of the module you want to update. It is the last segment of the module project page URL. For example, if the project URL is, the project name is “admin_toolbar“.

2. Then, run the following Drush command, passing the project name (such as admin_toolbar) as an argument (if you have multiple modules to update, add the additional module project names to the end of the command, separated by spaces):

drush up admin_toolbar

3. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions.

c) How do I update theme in Drupal using the admin interface ?

1. First, put your site into maintenance mode.

2. Then, navigate to Reports, select Available Updates, and click Update (Admin/Reports/Updates/update) in the Manage administrative menu.

3. After that, find and check the topic in the list. Click Download to download these updates for your theme.


4. Next, click Continue.

5. Then, click on the “Run Database Update” button and navigate to the database update page by entering the URL in your browser.

6. After that, click “Continue” to execute the database update script.

7. Then, click on the Administration Page to return to the site’s administration section.

8. Next, take your site out of maintenance mode.

9. Finally, clear the Drupal cache.

d) How do I update theme in Drupal using the Drush ?

1. First, find the project name of the theme you want to update, which is in the last paragraph. The theme’s project page URL. For example, if the project URL is, the project name is “mayo“.

2. Then, run the following Drush command, specifying the project name (for example, Mayo) as scope:

drush up mayo

3. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions.

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