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Comprehensive Guide to Logging Setup in IIS for Smarter Stats

Smarter Stats analyzes data in logs, and empty reports require verification of log setup for field data capture.

a) How do I enable logging in to Smarter Stats with LLS 7.0 and 7.5 ?

1. First, open IIS and select the desired website to modify.

2. Then, click the logging icon.

3. After that, click the “Select Field” button.

4. Next, select the desired W3C logging fields to use for logging.

5. Finally, click the “Save” button.

The following are the log fields required by Smarter Stats to display reports correctly:

smarter stats

Note: Smarter Stats functions without capturing data from log fields, but the report lacks data. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required, and rows without these fields will not be imported.

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