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Installing Themes from in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I download and install a theme from using the admin interface in Drupal ?

1. First, scroll to the Downloads section at the bottom of the theme project page.

2. Then, right-click tar.gz and copy the address.

3. Next, navigate to Appearance in the Manage administrative menu (Admin/Appearance) to access the appearance page.

4. After that, click on “Install New Theme” to open the Install New Theme page.


5. Then, paste the copied link into the Install from URL field, which may look like 1.3.tar.gz.

6. After that, click “Install” to upload and unzip the new theme on the server, downloading the file to the theme directory.

7. Then, click “Install newly added theme” to return to the “Appearance” page and navigate to Appearance (Admin/Appearance) if using the manual, or use the Manage administrative menu.

8. Finally, select the new theme from the “Uninstalled Themes” category, click “Install“, and set it as the default for all non-admin pages on the site.

b) How do I install a theme from in Drupal using Drush ?

1. First, the project name of the desired theme is found in the last segment of the theme project page URL, such as “mayo“.

2. Then, run the drush dl mayo and drush en mayo commands, followed by the drush config-set system.theme default mayo command with the project name as the argument.

3. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions.

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