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Installing PHPMyAdmin: A Step-by-Step Guide

PHPMyAdmin is a popular MySQL database management application that allows users to create, update, delete, alter, delete, import, and export tables. It supports a variety of operations on MySQL and MariaDB, including managing databases, relationships, tables, columns, indexes, permissions, and users.

a) How to install PHPMyAdmin

1. Go to the phpMyAdmin website and click the Download button to download the latest version of PHPMyAdmin.


2. Then, click the “Close” button to close the pop-up window.

3. Next, right-click on the downloaded PHPMyAdmin file and select Extract here to extract the file.

4. After that, move the extracted PHPMyAdmin folder from the download location to C:\Apache\htdocs, or you can directly extract the files into the htdocs folder of Apache.

5. Open the httpd file in the conf folder of Apache on the C drive.

6. Then, press Ctrl+F to locate the index.html file in the file, replace the .html extension with .php, and save the file.

7. After that, check the Apache server’s status in your computer system’s services, and if it’s not running, run it to open the phpMyAdmin interface in the browser.

8. Finally, enter the URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ URL in your browser.

b) How to install Xampp Server in Windows and run PHPMyAdmin in the browser

1. Enter the Xampp Server website and click the Xampp for Windows button to download the latest version of Xampp Server.

2. Then, type Xampp in the Windows search box and open the Xampp Control Panel.

3. After that, click on the Start button in the Apache and MySQL section.

4. Finally, enter the URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ URL in your browser.

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