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Installing Modules from in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I download and install modules from using the admin interface ?

1. First, scroll to the Downloads section at the bottom of the Admin Toolbar Project page

2. Then, right-click and select “Copy link address“, depending on your device and browser, to copy the tar.gz link address.


3. Next, navigate to Extend in the Manage administrative menu (Admin/Modules) to access the Extensions page.

4. After that, click on the “Install New Module” button to open the Install New Module page.

5. Next, paste the copied download link into the Install from URL field, which may look like this:

6. Then, click “Install” to upload and unpack the new module on the server, downloading files into the module directory.

7. Next, click Enable and return to the Extensions page to enable a newly added module. If using a manual, the upload process starts at this step and navigates to Extend (Admin/Modules).

8. After that, find and check the Admin Toolbar.

9. Finally, click Install to open the new module.

b) How do I download and install modules from using Drush ?

1. First, the project name of the desired module can be found in the last segment of the module project page URL.

2. Then, run the drush dl admin_toolbar command and then run the drush en admin_toolbar command by specifying the project name as an argument.

3. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions.

c) How do I find themes in Drupal ?

1. First, visit and navigate to Download and Expand to select a theme (

2. Then, use the categories on the theme search page to filter your search, such as using the following filter:

Field name Explanation Example value
Maintenance status The theme’s active maintenance ensures regular bug fixes and improvements. Actively maintained
Development status The theme’s evolution is influenced by the user’s choice of “Under Active Development,” which includes new features and potential changes, and maintaining fixes, which signifies the theme’s completeness. Any
Core compatibility The theme is compatible with a specific version of Drupal.
Status Sandbox projects are experimental projects that have undergone approval but are still in the development stage. Full projects
Search Themes Search for the search terms in the topic description.
Sort by Sort search results by popular themes like “Most Installed” or “Last Released” to categorize them based on their popularity and release date. Most installed

3. After that, click on the search button to display the search results.

4. Finally, click on its title in the search results list to access the project page for further evaluation of a topic.

When evaluating a topic, it is essential to consider several key aspects:

  • Introduction: The project page should have a clear and useful topic description, along with screenshots of the theme for better evaluation.
  • Downloads: The theme should work with your core software version and be color-coded accordingly. Green themes are suitable for field use, yellow ones should be evaluated, and red ones are for testing only.
  • Project information: Check the theme’s maintenance and development status and the frequency of downloads and installations.
  • Issues: Review the topic for any open issues or potential issues.
  • Resources: Check if the theme has documentation.
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