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File Transfers Made Easy: A Guide to Using FileZilla FTP Client with cPanel

FileZilla is an open-source FTP client for Linux and Windows, supporting secure connections like SFTP and FTPS. It allows users to upload large files or manage files on web servers. Unlike cPanel which may cause upload errors, FileZilla can handle large files using FTP. Most cPanel accounts come with a system FTP account, allowing access to all files in the home directory.

a) How to use the FileZilla FTP client

1. First, download and install it from the FileZilla website to access the FileZilla FTP client.

filezilla ftp

2. Then, enter your ftp hostname which can be your server’s IP address or ftp.<>.

3. After that, enter the username and password for your FTP account.

4. Next, enter the desired port, typically 21 or leave it blank for FileZilla to automatically find the appropriate port before clicking the QuickConnect button to connect to the FTP server.

5. Finally, you can move or copy files from local computer directories to remote server directories and files by dragging and dropping them from the left pane to the right pane and the status of the move or copy can be viewed at the bottom.

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