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FAQs on SSL Certificate Renewal Processes and Procedures, Part 7

a) Is there a limit to the number of certificates I can order ?

SSL certificate

We don’t restrict the number of RapidSSL or RapidSSL Wildcard certificates, but we do limit one free SSL certificate per domain, as it’s a temporary solution for your SSL needs.

b) Why provide RapidSSL and RapidSSL Wildcard secure server certificates ?

SSL certificate

RapidSSL and RapidSSL Wildcard certificates provide low-cost, single-root installation of certificates for companies requiring low-volume, low-value online transactions and data protection.

c) Can I identify which Certificate Authorities (CAs) have their own trusted CA roots in the browser ?

SSL certificate

Yes, your browser has a store of trusted CA root certificates, which can be accessed through the certificates tab. For example, in Internet Explorer, go to Tools, select Internet Options, and select Content. The Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab displays a list of certificate authorities with trusted CA roots. Other browsers may have different navigation.

d) Can I protect multiple subdomains with a single certificate ?

SSL certificate

RapidSSL wildcard certificates protect an unlimited number of subdomains under one certificate, allowing for efficient protection of all subdomains within a domain. These certificates are issued to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), ensuring that a single-domain SSL certificate cannot be used to protect other subdomains or the root domain. This saves time and money in managing domain security.

e) What should I do with my private key when processing an order ?

SSL certificate

Private keys are server-side files that remain private and are crucial during installation. If it is missing or deleted, the SSL certificate won’t be installed. To fix this, create a new key, save it, and reissue a valid SSL certificate.

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