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FAQs on SSL Certificate Renewal Processes and Procedures, Part 3

a) Can I install my single certificate on multiple web servers? If yes, what should I do ?

SSL certificate

Absolutely yes. With an unlimited or additional server license, you can install a single certificate on multiple web servers. Technical support is recommended for clarification. There are two methods for installing a single certificate on multiple servers.

1. The SSL certificate, private key, and intermediate files can be imported into servers #2, #3, etc.

2. To install SSL, create a new CSR and private key on servers and reissue a valid certificate in your user account, ensuring easy installation and matching the newly generated private key.

b) After the verification process is complete, where can I download my certificate file ?

SSL certificate

After verification, the Certificate Authority sends an email with SSL and intermediate certificates to the technical contact, or you can download them directly from your user account.

c) Can you help me install SSL/TLS ?

SSL certificate

Our support team is available to answer any installation questions, or you can purchase our basic SSL installation service for RM380, which will have the installation performed for you.

d) If necessary, does the Certificate Authority (CA) provide direct technical support ?

SSL certificate

All certificate authorities offer technical support for SSL certificates, but it’s advisable to contact the SSL provider you purchased from, as they have better communication with the CA and can better assist with generation, verification, or installation queries.

e) What should I do if I lose or delete my private key ?

SSL certificate

You must reissue a valid certificate with a new CSR and save the relevant private key on your server.

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