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Efficient Editing with Suggestion Mode: A Guide in Google Docs

Google Docs offers a feature called “Suggest Mode” that allows users to track edits, comment on them, and decide whether they should be added to a document, similar to the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word, which helps understand document changes and growth over time.

a) How do I track changes in Google Docs ?

1. First, click the pencil icon below the share button and select Suggesting from the drop-down menu.

Google Docs

2. In suggestion mode, added text is highlighted, deleted text is crossed out, and a suggestion box appears with each change, allowing the user to review it before making the change permanent.

b) How do I review changes in Google Docs ?

1. First, click the suggestion box, then select the text field, write a reply, and click Reply.

2. To approve changes, click the checkmark, and they will be added to the document. To reject changes, click the X, and the suggestion disappears.

3. To exit suggestion mode, click Suggestions in the upper-right corner and select Editing.

In edit mode, you can accept, reject, or comment on suggestions but cannot create new ones.

c) How do I track changes in Google Docs on my mobile device ?

1. The mobile version of Google Docs offers suggestion mode by tapping the More icon while viewing the document.

2. Then, open the suggest changes.

3. Finally, you can track changes just like in the web browser version.

4. You can also select suggestions by tapping, and you can accept, reject, or comment on any suggested changes.

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