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Customizing the Drupal Theme: Configuration Guide

a) How do I configure a theme in Drupal ?

1. First, navigate to Appearance (Admin/Appearance) in the Manage administrative menu.

2. Then, navigate to the “Settings” section under “Batik” in the “Installed Themes” section to change the default theme of your website.


3. After that, click on the color scheme and enter the correct color code inside each color building box to add a color code under Color Scheme.


Note: The right-hand color wheel allows users to select their preferred color, which will be automatically added to the web page.


4. Next, uncheck Use theme-provided logo under Logo image.


5. Then, upload your logo file to your site by selecting it under the Upload Logo Image section and then selecting the file name in your browser.

Note: The theme’s custom logo will override the universal logo, which can be adjusted in Appearance > Settings (Admin/Appearance/Setup).

6. After that, click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page.

Note: The Preview section in the Color Schemes section provides a visual representation of your site’s appearance under the updated settings.


7. Finally, click Return to Site or Home in the toolbar to verify your updated site’s core Bartik theme settings.


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