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Optimizing Website Performance: A Guide to cPanel’s Optimize Website Feature

The cPanel optimize website enables gzip compression which compresses data before sending it to the browser. This feature is supported by all modern browsers and requires Apache mod_deflate to work. Gzip compression saves bandwidth and speeds up website loading. Users can use this interface to compress specific MIME types or all files.

a) How to enable gzip compression in cPanel

1. Log into cPanel and navigate to the Software section to select Optimize Website tool or search for the Optimize Website tool in the search bar.


2. Then, the Compress Content will be displayed and you can select from various options.

  • Disable: Disables gzip compression.
  • Compress All Content: Enables gzip compression for all content.
  • Compresses the specified MIME types and MIME Types: MIME types are the same as file types and contain file type and format information separated by slashes, such as text/javascript, text/css, image/jpg, and image/png.

3. Finally, click the Update Settings button to update the settings.

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