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Customizing Your Website Look: Changing Themes and Appearance in WordPress

Changing your WordPress website theme is crucial for customizing its appearance, establishing a unique brand identity, and making it visually appealing. It can significantly improve website performance, with some themes optimized for speed and efficiency. Additionally, new features may need to be integrated seamlessly into the existing theme to ensure seamless functionality.

a) How to change your WordPress site themes and appearances

1. First, you need to install the new WordPress theme you want to use. You can go to the WordPress theme installation page to find out.

2. Once you have selected your themes, do not click the Activate button to activate them.

3. Next, on the menu on the left side of the dashboard, click the Appearance button, and then click the Customize button.


4. Then, click the Change button in the Customizer sidebar.

5. After that, click the “Live Preview” button next to the new theme installed to sync existing menus and widgets with the new theme.

6. But if it doesn’t, use the “Menus”  and “Widgets” button in the customizer sidebar to troubleshoot issues. Adjust other settings and view other pages on your site, like a blog post, to preview the new theme.

7. Finally, click on the “Activate & Publish” button when finished.

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