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Building a Content Item in Drupal: Step-by-Step Creation

a) How do I create content items in Drupal ?

1. First, navigate to Content, select Add Content in the Manage administrative menu, and click on the Basics page (node/add/page).

2. Then, click Edit Summary.

3. After that, fill in the following fields:

Field name Explanation Example value
Title The page title will be utilized as a meta tag, source code, URL alias, and label as content items in the admin screen. Home
Summary The overview page can serve as a teaser for a summary of body field values. City market opening hours and locations
Body Full content of the page
Welcome to City Market farmers near your market!
Opening hours: Monday, 8 a.m.–1 p.m., April to September
Location: Kuala Lumpur
URL path settings > URL alias Alternate relative paths for content /home

Note: The HTML source can be accessed by clicking the Source button in the rich text editor toolbar, providing the code for the text being edited.


4. Next, click Preview to ensure everything appears as expected.

5. Then, click Back to Content Editing.

6. Next, click on “Save and Publish” to save the content and make it available on the content page.

7. Finally, create an “About” page with a title and text about the history of farmers markets using the same steps.

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