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Accessing Your WordPress Dashboard: A Quick Guide

Logging in to the WordPress admin page is essential for creating, customizing, and managing content on your website, and there are multiple login methods available.

a) How to login to the WordPress dashboard

1. To access your WordPress dashboard, add /login/ or /admin/ to the end of your site URL. For example, you can login to your dashboard by entering or If your login URL isn’t working, you can access the WordPress login page by entering If WordPress is installed in a subdirectory, you need to access your blog login page by entering or If you have WordPress installed on a subdomain, you can access the admin login page by entering or To access your admin area, enter the site administration URL (e.g., or Don’t forget to replace “” with your own domain name.


2. Finally, enter your WordPress installation username and password to access the WordPress dashboard. Note that your WordPress login differs from your cPanel login. If you forget your password, visit the Reset WordPress Password page.

b) How to bypass WordPress login page using “Remember Me”

1. On your WordPress login page, there is a “Remember Me” checkbox. If you check this box before logging in, you will have direct access to the admin area without being asked for login credentials or browser cookie settings on subsequent visits within 14 days.

c) How to add a login link to your WordPress website

Add a login link to a Menu

1. Log in to WordPress and select “Appearance” from the menu on the left side of the dashboard, then click the “Menus” button.

2. Then, click the Custom Links tab to expand it and add your WordPress link and text.

3. After that, click on the “Add to Menu” button to add this link to your menu.

4. Finally, click the Save Menu button to save your changes.

Using the Meta Widget

1. Log in to WordPress and select Appearance on the menu on the left side of the dashboard, then click the “Widgets” button.

2. Then, click the “+Block Inserter” button to insert a WordPress login link into your website. Drag it to the sidebar or widget-ready area of your website. If you prefer not to use meta widgets, you can also use the navigation menu widget.

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