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Troubleshooting Log Access with “Access Denied” Errors in Smarter Mail

Smarter Mail allows system administrators to access any log file generated directly within the webmail interface.

a) How do I view logs in Smarter Mail ?

1. First, log in as an administrator.

2. Then, select Troubleshooting from the left menu.

3. After that, click the “View Logs” tab.

4. Finally, you can choose a specific date range, view the desired log type, and set a search term.

Below is the resolved “Access Denied” error issue:

  • Ensure that mailservice.exe is running as a local system.
  • Ensure that read/write permissions are set for the log folder, which is typically located at c:\smartermail\logs.
  • Ensure that the Smarter Mail application pool has Network Services permissions.
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