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Comprehensive Guide to Monitoring Agents’ Active Groups and Workload in Smarter Track

System administrators and managers can monitor agent activity groups, identify agents and departments accepting tickets and live chat, and track the workload of single or all agents in a specific department.

Note: Audit reports providing this information can be beneficial for reviewing agent performance or enhancing business procedures.

a) How do I find out for which groups an agent is active in Smarter Track ?

1. First, log into Smarter Track Management as a manager or administrator.

2. Then, click the navigation icon and select the active agent from the drop-down list.

3. After that, you can view agents by agent, group, or department, select availability status, and view their active tickets, chats, and calls. The content pane displays current tickets, chats, and calls.

4. Next, double-click the agent’s name. Managers and system administrators can make agents active or inactive for any department or group and modify their availability status using the “Available” checkbox in the upper right corner.

5. Finally, click the Cancel button or OK button.

b) How do I monitor agent ticket workload in Smarter Track ?

1. First, log in to Smarter Track Management as a manager or administrator.

2. Then, select Tickets from the navigation icon.

3. After that, click the arrow next to “By Agent” in the global ticket area navigation pane.

4. Finally, the navigation pane displays a list of agents and their ticket workloads, categorized into active, waiting, or closed statuses. A recent view shows the agent’s last 100 tickets. Clicking on an agent’s item displays their tickets and the selected status.

c) How do I monitor agent live chat workload in Smarter Track ?

1. First, log into Smarter Track Management as a manager or administrator.

2. Then, click “Live Chat” in the navigation icon.

3. After that, click on the arrow next to “By Agent” in the global live chat area navigation pane.

4. Finally, the navigation pane will display the list of agents and their live chat workload, indicating whether the chat is active or completed.

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