Email as PR and promotional work
Email has evolved from being used solely as a business communication tool to creating an identity or verification for different internet application to the work of marketing and now as a relationship building tool. Providing one of the best ways of direct communication with clients, email also present itself as a tool for relationship building.
Marketers also consider email as a powerful tool for public relations communication as it doesn’t only save cost but also delivers the message in an effective way. This is because email messages can be tailored specifically for different individuals for specific purposes. Whether you are trying to close a sale or using it as a form of notification or promotional work, email allows marketers to effectively find out the result of emails that are being opened, viewed for how long and which links are being clicked.
Another reason why email is rather effective than other form of communication tool to build relationship is because it provides marketers to reach them in a less intrusive manner that allows them to read over time without pushing them for anything. Aside from being able to tailor the messages to them specifically and making them feeling they are having a personal conversation with you, email gives a better control of communication system between you and the recipients and they can always choose to opt-out at anytime they want.
Start your effective relationship building tool with email marketing through Webserver now.