Number of searches vs number of competition
Many consider the market world of internet being the sky as the limit with it’s enormous business transactions worldwide happening everyday. Almost every market and product is selling profitably with high volume customers globally. But when it comes to the internet market, it can be more volatile than what you can predict due to new products and markets emerging everyday as they compete with one another. So aside from doing the traditional branding through advertisement and public relations there’s one more or perhaps most important success element when it comes to selling online, your search engine optimisation.
Forget about how famous you think your company is because if you are not associated with some keywords that represent what you are selling or what your company is about, your chances of getting the online sales done is minimal. This is all about making full use of your site’s SEO and there are two factors that people often look into when they evaluate their site’s SEO – Number of searches for keyword(s) and number of competition that appears in search engines.
To be ranked as the number one page on search engine with an associated keyword, you must understand what keyword is more commonly used. As you might already be aware what is your specific terms based on your products and industry, other may not necessary think the same. Doing a thorough research on the common keywords are important to establish which keyword to fight for in search engines. There’s no point putting all effort into keywords that you think is right for your business but doesn’t bring in the right visitors to your site.
As important as the number of searches that you need to understand, the number of competition would represent how much of effort you have to put to be ranked better for that keyword. Specific keywords aka long tail keywords are generally less competitive in search engines and the higher the number of search for a specific keyword means the more people know about your product. Take for example the product Toshiba monitor, if you compare the number of searches for “Toshiba monitor 9 series” and the number of search result in Google, it would give you an idea of how many people know specifically about your product and how much of effort and competition that you are competing in the search engine.